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Oxford Climate Change Alumni Network (OxCAN) Photography Competition 2024: Terms and Conditions

1. Competition Details


1a) Eligibility

1.1  This competition is open to all existing OxCAN members, and any present Oxford student, staff and Oxford alumni eligible to become an OxCAN member who agrees to become a member.

1.2  OxCAN trustees and committee members can submit photos but are not eligible to win prizes.

1.3  The competition has multiple categories and entrants are responsible for selecting the correct category for their photo on the submission form.

1.4  The entrant must be the original photo creator and solely hold the copyright.


1b) Submission Requirements

1.5  Entrants can submit up to five entries per category.

1.6  Individual digital entry files must not exceed 10MB in size

1.7  Photos must be submitted as JPG, JPEG or PNG files using the entry form on the OxCAN website:

1.8  All the required fields (marked with *) on the online submission form must be completed.

1.9  OxCAN reserves the right not to award a prize if, in the judges’ opinion, the entries do not reach the sufficient standard, or where the contact details provided on the entry form are incorrect or no longer valid.


1c) Photography Requirements

1.10  Photographs entered into the competition must relate to one of the categories of the competition relating to climate change.

1.11  Images must not include watermarks, borders, or signatures.

1.12  Photographs can be in full colour or black and white.

1.13  Submissions will be rejected if in the reasonable opinion of the judges it appears that an image has been taken in an irresponsible manner. For example (but not limited to), compromising the welfare of wildlife, infringing on people’s privacy or putting people in danger specifically for the purpose of the photograph.

1.14  Digital adjustments that maintain the integrity of the image are allowed e.g. colour adjustments and minor changes and clean up in digital image editing software. Entrants may not, for example, make major physical changes to their images by adding and removing subjects and major elements of the photo. The judges reserve the right to question potential major edits and request to see the raw photos if they suspect changes. 

1.15  No part of a submitted photograph can be generated by AI image generation software.




2. Judging


2.1  A panel of judges will be appointed by OxCAN to create a shortlist of entries from each category.

2.2  In each category there will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize selected.

2.3  The confirmed awards will be announced publicly at the OxCAN conference in May 2024 followed by an online announcement.

2.4  Prize-winning photographs will be published in an online gallery on the OxCAN website. They may also be printed for an in-person exhibition.

2.5  Non prize-winning photographs can be used by OxCAN on their website, events and online publications.

2.6  The judges’ decisions in relation to any prize awards and commendations are final.




3. Intellectual Property Rights


3.1  Entrants remain the copyright holder to any images submitted to the Competition.

3.2  By entering the Competition, entrants grant OxCAN a free non-exclusive licence to use the submitted image(s) in digital or print form for the purposes of raising awareness of the climate emergency and OxCAN’s activities. 

3.3  Wherever submitted images are used by OxCAN, named credit to the photographer will be given.




4. Data protection


4.1  In entering the Competition, entrants agree to provide OxCAN the right to use personal details (first & last name, email address) to process submissions.

4.2  By entering the Competition, entrants agree that if selected as a winner of any prize or otherwise commended, OxCAN may share details (first & last name) with any potential future sponsor for the purpose of publishing the details of all winners (including the winning images).




5. Ethics


5.1  Entrants to the Oxford Climate Alumni Network’s Climate Photography Competition must ensure the submitted photographs have been created ethically and provide a fair representation of the scenes and subjects featured.

5.2  Entrants must ensure captions and accompanying text to submitted photographs is accurate and provides relevant context.

5.3  Entrants must be transparent about the entire process through which the photographs were created and should be ready to provide any additional information if requested by OxCAN.

5.4  Entrants must treat all subjects of photographs with dignity and respect.

5.5  Entrants must prioritise the safety of both the photographer and subjects and put neither in unnecessary risk of harm.

5.6  Entrants must respect the work of other artists and not plagiarise work.

5.7  Entrants must ensure that independence is upheld and must not accept any form of compensation – such as gifts, money, or favours – from individuals or organisations that may seek to influence the story or the competition outcomes.

5.8  Entrants must avoid reinforcing stereotypes and biases that can result in misrepresentation of people, places or subjects.




6. General Conditions


6.1  By submitting an entry, entrants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

6.2  OxCAN reserves the right to refuse to award prizes to an entrant who has breached these terms and conditions.

6.3  These terms and conditions are governed by English law.

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