Thu, 22 Oct
Retrofitting Traditional Homes
Is there a trade-off between our heritage and the environment? How do we juggle heritage and conservation of traditional Georgian, Victorian, or even Edwardian houses, for example, against environmental concerns? This discussion is open to all members. Please register on Eventbrite.
Time & Location
22 Oct 2020, 18:00 BST
About The Event
We may be committed to reducing the use of energy in our homes through better insulation. Or we may even want to decarbonise our homes completely, replacing the gas boiler with renewable energy sources.
But what if you live in a traditional house – Georgian, Victorian or Edwardian for example? Then what if that home is in a conservation area?
The cost and complexity of retrofitting your house both go up a notch as you consider how to strike “... the best balance between saving energy, maintaining a healthy indoor environment and sustaining heritage significance…”.*
So how are we going to achieve this balance in a way that is acceptable to our neighbours and our local planning authority? Are new technologies too focused on new build homes and not enough on traditional homes? How much responsibility should fall to the householder and how much to government?
This discussion should be of particular interest to those who:
- live in or own traditional homes
- provide retrofit services
- research low-carbon heating solutions or electricity micro generation
- work in planning authorities or building conservation
* Energy Efficiency and Traditional Homes: Historic England Advice Note 14
This event will be held on zoom. The zoom details will be emailed to you once you register on Eventbrite.
Image credit: Photo by Sandie Clark, Unspalsh